Its really me. I am really in BH. I m LAYLA.
If you know me before - you know, that I am real. If we didnt meet before - we have to do it, because you have to know that I am real ))) I am real young lady, know anything about ways to make you happy. I dont like rude and drunk guys. I am a Princess in bed, and I need a King near me. I will give to him all luxury ways of meeting he need.
If King will want king relax with two brunette princesses - I will do it with my girl friend. Streaptise, shower together, french kissing, GFE, etc. - all ways to make you happy.
My English is basic level, so I prefer to talk in whatsapp. Text me there - and we will talk about meeting.
I dont meet for low prices as 80-90, real princesses dont do it. Luxury girl - luxury price. Deal or cancel. And I like flowers <img class="gemoji" src="https://d257pz9kz95xf4.cloudfront.net/assets/emoji/unicode/1f337-54fb93065aa81bfb6fbe4458a55b164c18f734908961b7e5b9a5c8830f80709c.png" alt="